Project: Monitoring Serbia’s OSCE Chairmanship21Sep2015
Media freedom and pluralism against hate speech and war propaganda
Experts from the OSCE participating states and OSCE Institutions, human rights and pro-democracy groups, and others will discuss the implications of recently implemented counter-propaganda initiatives, in particular those relating to hate speech and incitement to war, at the panel discussion “Extinguishing the Flame of Propaganda with Media Freedom and Pluralism”, which takes place in Warsaw on September 22.
The discussion is a side event at The Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM) of OSCE participating States, the Europe's largest annual human rights and democracy conference.
Speakers at the panel discussion are: Svetlana Djurdjevic-Lukic from the Public Policy Research Centre (Serbia) and Civic Solidarity Platform, Frane Maroevic, Director of the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Karolina Sitek from the European Endowment for Democracy and Jakub Kalenský from the EU East StratCom Team. Moderator of the discussion is Thomas Dine, Board Member of the Freedom House and Former President of RFE/RL.
Experts will discuss existing measures to counter propaganda as well as their impact and challenges; assess counter-propaganda efforts in light of human dimension commitments and international human rights standards; and identify solutions for what States, civil society, and the media can do to ensure that individuals have broad access to objective and impartial information without limiting media freedom.
The event will also serve as a platform for exchanging views on how to broaden and deepen the OSCE’s involvement in combatting propaganda, hate speech, and incitement to war while protecting media freedom, and will draw upon the existing efforts of the OSCE’s Representative on Freedom of the Media in this area.
Public Policy Research Centre is a member of the Coordination Group of Civil Society Organizations (CSO) for monitoring of Serbia’s chairmanship of the OSCE.
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