Project: Formal and informal networks in rural areas

Forum about competitiveness, investment and well-being in rural regions of South East Europe

Traditionally, 15th Agricultural Policy Forum (APF) ‘’Modern rural policy: Competitiveness, investment and well-being in rural regions of South East Europe’’, was held, from 14th to 15th of October,in Pravetz, Bulgaria.

Co-organizers of Forum were Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG) in SEE and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Republic of Bulgaria.

Implementation of the EU agricultural and rural development policies for the period 2014-2020 and the reflection towards the countries of SEE, with special focus to innovation and sustainable growth, regional networking of private companies at regional/international markets and area based development was the topic of the forum. Forum participants were organized in three working groups and discussed integrated economic development in rural cross-border areas, rural development through natural resource management and analysis of agriculture and rural development policies in the Western Balkans. Results of these discussions will serve as a platform for international dialogue on policy settings and perspectives of common interest between agricultural policy makers and stakeholders.

Prof. Ph.D.Natalija Bogdanov, member of CENTER's Advisory Board and the leader of research team of project: Formal and informal networks in rural areas, participated at the forum.

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