Project: Targeting weapons - misuse of weapons in Serbia

Conference “Arms transfer control achievements”

State Secretary of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia Stevan Nikcevic, U.N. Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative Irena Vojackova Sollorano and Norwegian Defense Attaché to Serbia CDR S.G. Tore Andersson opened the public Presentation of Arms Transfers Controls Achievements in the Western Balkans on 30 October 2015 in Belgrade.

The event was an opportunity to take stock of the achievements of the UNDP SEESAC Arms Transfers Control Programme in the Western Balkans, generously supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway. The programme worked for over 9 years with the relevant institutions of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. These joint efforts built regional confidence, bolstered control mechanisms, significantly increased transparency and enhanced knowledge transfer, and information sharing.

Over the past nine years, the Programme focused on increasing transparency by strengthening national capacities. All countries are now reporting on their annual arms exports and some of the Western Balkan counties are among the most transparent in the world. 

CENTER was present as the only NGO organization due to our expertise in arms trade and civilian misuse of small arms.  Earlier this year we published a policy brief Arms trade and human rights: A new paradigm?, and is available on English. Also we analyzed data for UNDP/SEESAC platform Targeting weapons – Misuse of the firearms in Serbia.