Project: Youth and Democratic Control of Security Sector10Nov2015
Conference „Local committees for security“
OSCE Mission to Serbia, Ministry of Interior and association of Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities organized the conference „Local committees for security“, on 10th of November in Sava Center.
Minister of Interior dr Nebojsa Stefanovic invited the representatives of towns and municipalities to establish the local committees for security in cooperation with police and he reminded the participants that the Action plan for the implementation of Community policing Strategy was adopted last year. Minister of Public administration and local self government highlighted the importance of establishment of local committees for security aimed to identification and resolving the local security issues of members of local community. Head of OSCE Mission to Serbia Peter Burkhard emphasized that the security in community isn't the responsibility of one institution, but it's necessary the coordination of all stakeholders. The president of Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities stressed the purpose of community policing is improvement of security of citizens.
CENTER has expertise in cooperation with local actors for security and in assesment of succes of community policing.
Svetlana Djurdjevic Lukic, director of CENTER participated on the conference.
Source: Ministry of Interior