Project: National HDR 2016: How to improve security of vulnerable municipalities in Serbia?

Public Policy Research Centre on the UNDP conference about Women's Proactive Role in Disaster

   Program Director of Public Policy Research Centre's Branka Anđelkovic and Centre's researcher Maja Kovac, leaders of team research and compile the National Human Development Report (NHDR) for Serbia, participate in a two day conference of the United Nations Development Programme in Serbia about improved role of women in emergency situations menagement systems. In the office of UNDP Serbia in Belgrade, on the conference Empowered Women - Resilient Communities: Women to Take Proactive Role in Disaster Risk Reduction, UNDP wants to encourage gender in risk disaster menagment. 


Studies related to the Serbian experience following the 2014 floods have revealed that gender has impact to the risk exposure, perception of risk, but also to the ability to respond to the risk and the rescue. Strengthening the role of women increase efficiency in the emergency situations management and build resilience of the entire community.





  Public Policy Research Centre is head od team related to the project Increased Resilience to Respond to Emergency Situations. Through interventions of gender grantees, dozens women are educated for women anti-hail shooters, women rescuers and volunteers in emergencies.