Project: Firearms Possession and Human (In)Security: Impact on youth and gender based violence

Commissioner for Protection Equality: Violence against women is severe problem in our society

Commissioner for Protection Equality in Serbia, Brankica Jankovic noted that two murders on Saturday are unfortunate reminders that violence against women have been the most severe issues in the society. 
''The masacre in Zitiste and murder of the woman in a village near Knjazevac are the alert to all the relevant institutions and authorities to react immediately in order to take appropriate and timely measures to prevent partner violence that too often has lethal end," said Jankovic.
She also added that media bears its share of the responsibility in fighting against gender-based violence, "and it is necessary to stop publishing and broadcasting cases in which women are disparaged, discriminated and put at subordinated position."
Coordinator of the safe shelter for victims of domestic violence Vesna Stanojevic said Sunday that annual statistics regarding victims of domestic violence are grim, and there is a lot of violence that should not be tolerated.

"Last year we had the mass murder in Kanjiza and we are witnessing the murder in Zitiste now; in the meantime too many women lost their lives," said Stanojevic at the Radio Television Serbia.

Stanojevic distinguishes between two types of perpetrators - those who have been earlier reported to relevant institutions and those who have been described as calm and quiet. Furthermore she pointed out that both types are equally dangerous.

"Women need to pay attention to everything that comes out of scope of normal circumstances and report it to the police," said the coordinator of the safe shelter for victims of domestic violence. Stanojevic said that women are at high risk after divorce.

"It is worrisome that women suffer during divorce proceedings or even after the divorce because men believe that they have power to harass and injure women," says Stanojevic.


 Source: Beta, photo: