
CENTRE at the Academy on NAPs on the UNSCR 1325 implementation in the OSCE area

CENTRE’s Svetlana Djurdjevic-Lukic participated at the two day event in Vienna on preparation of National Action Plans (NAPs) related to the implementation of UN SCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. The NAP Academy on enhancing the preparation and increasing the impact of NAPs, brought together 52 practitioners from across the OSCE region. Organized by the OSCE Secretariat’s Gender Section and the Institute for Inclusive Security, the event served as a forum for exchange of experiences and best practices.

Action Plans to implement UNSCR 1325 are effective tools for enhancing women's active role in conflict prevention, peace building and security processes in order to achieve sustainable peace. Currently, 28 OSCE participating States have introduced National Action Plans.

The Institute for Inclusive Security, which created a National Plan initiative to provide technical assistance to government and civil society representatives implementing National Action Plans, will assist NAP Academy participants in developing new strategies and updating existing Action Plans. 

Svetlana Djurdjevic-Lukic is a member of the Working Group appointed by the Government of Serbia to prepare the second NAP for the implementation of UN SCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security in Serbia, for the period 2016-2010. She was among three initiators of the establishment of the Women in International Security chapter in Serbia back in 2004.

More details about the event are available at the OSCE website; comparative analysis of NAPs worldwide is available at the Institute for Inclusive Security portal.