
Tanja Jakobi on the N1 News Show

Tanja Jakobi, CENTRE's ad interim director, appeared on the N1 news show broadcasted on February 16, 2017 commenting the workers' exploitation and inhumane working conditions in Slovakia revealed by the weekly "Nedeljnik".  Likewise, Katarina Ivanovic, a representative of the anti-traficking organization, ASTRA, gave a statement for the news show. She underlined the necessity for full enforcement of legal procedures to combat illegal employment. She said that contract with  a foreign empoyer should be signed before the departure and that such contract is not possible to sign with representatives of employment agencies. She pointed to the existence of so-called cash scams in which agencies charge for their services to the unemployed.

According to Tanja Jakobi, a violation of workers' and human rights is a global economic problem that she described as a race to the bottom. To remain competitive, the European Union has also entered this race. She said that companies have been moving their production from the center (e.g. Germany) to peripheral areas (Niš and/or Cambodia) and the only question is where production costs are lower.