Project: Youth and Democratic Control of Security Sector04Apr2015
Youth and Security in Pozarevac
What are the key security issues for young people in Pozarevac and in what way this social group may influence decision making process in security sector and addressing its security issues – these were the main topics of the workshop ‘Youth and Democratic Control of Security Sector’, which was held in Pozarevac on April 4th.
Around 20 high school students and local NGO activists took part in this workshop and participated in different interactive activities, such as marking security risks on the map of local community, discussing main terms related to security sector reform and parliamentary oversight, and analyzing involvement of media in the process of democratic control. Lecturers were Danijela Spasic, PhD, and Marina Tadic, researcher at the Centre.
Young women and men in Pozarevac as the severest security risks perceive poverty, politicization, corruption, alcohol and drugs abuse, as well as risks in traffic and misuse of personal data.
This was the first of three workshops that will be organized within the project ‘Youth’s Local Security Issues and Democratic Control of Security Sector’, supported by the Democratization Department of the OSCE Mission to Serbia.