Project: Formal and informal networks in rural areas03Apr2015
Regional project team meeting held in Belgrade
Within the regional project ‘The impact of socio-economic structure of rural population on success of rural development policy’, project team held a meeting in Belgrade on 2nd and 3rd April.
The project is implemented in the framework of the Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP) with financial support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Leading project partner is the Association of Agricultural Economists of Republic of Macedonia (AAEM), while co-partners are CENTER and individual researchers from the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science, University of Sarajevo.
At the meeting, the project team reviewed the final findings of the research, as well as the final structure and content of the monograph that will be the end result of the project. Also, members of the project team reported on which scientific conferences will results of a project be presented and in which scientific journals they will be published.
At the meeting in Belgrade members of the regional project team have established uniform approach in preparation of national policy briefs, which will be presented to relevant stakeholders in the countries encompassed by the project (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, and Serbia).