Human Security in the 21st Century: Collection of students' papers 2023
Students' papers from the 2023 Svetlana Djurdjevic Lukic Fund call for papers
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Human Security in the 21st Century: Collection of students' papers
Students' papers from the 2022 Svetlana Djurdjevic Lukic Fund call for papers
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Contemporary Challenges Problems and Dilemmas Regarding Human Security
A collection of the best essays written by students at the Contest of the Svetlana Djurdjevic Lukic Fund
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Human Security in the 21st Century: Challanges to Health Security - Collection of students' papers
Students' papers from the 2020 Svetlana Djurdjevic Lukic Fund call for papers
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Human Security for the 21st Century: Health Security Challenges Collection of students’ papers
Students' papers from the 2021 Svetlana Djurdjevic Lukic Fund call for papers
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Gender, climate and security: Why is it important to include climate change in the new NAP 1325 in Serbia? (serb only)
Authors: Filip Stojanovic and Sladjana Curcic
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Arms exports and violence against women
The brief explores whether Serbia is abiding to the Arms Trade Treaty provisions in terms of gender-based violence Authors: Filip Stojanovic, Milica Skocajic
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Guidance for assessing the risk of gender-based violence when exporting weapons
Guidance for MP-s autor Filip Stojanovic (only in SRB)
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Citizens on Watch: Local tailored approach to containment of arms proliferation in Serbia
This policy brief is piloting an idea of local-tailored approach to firearms seizure campaigns and using available but not yet fully utilized ways to reduce firearms misuses in Serbia.
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Firearms Misuse and Gender-based Violence
Research on firearms misuse and its impact on GBV, Danijela Spasic PhD, Marina Tadic
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How Does the Security Sector Reform Affect Human Security in Serbia: Reassessing the impact of security sector reform on LGBT people
Authors: Jelena Radoman, Marija Radoman, Jelena Šapic
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Youth and peer violence: How to turn passive bystanders into agile citizens?
How high school graduates perceive the role of local and national actors in the prevention of peer violence. Authors: Milica Skocajic and Filip Stojanovic
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Local implementation of the NAP 1325
Local implementation of the NAP 1325 in Svrljig, Vršac, Kragujevac, Niš and Kikinda, Author: Luka Steric
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Mapping Non-Discrimination Discourse in Military Education
The first CSO's research concerning the presence of anti-discriminatory topics in the curriculum and teaching materials used in Serbian military education. October 2013.
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Community Policing & Community Security: Theory & Practice in Timor-Leste
Available at the Justice and Security Research Programme, LSE, www.lse.ac.uk. June 2014
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Roma Women and Men and Security Sector Reform in the Republic of Serbia
How Roma women and men in Serbia perceive their own security and the functioning of security sector institutions. Jun 2014.
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Firearms Possession and Human Security: Do we see firearms as a provider of personal security or a security risk?
Center’s Marina Tadic analyzes attitudes of vulnerable groups toward weapon possession and gives recommendations regarding the prevalence of firearms
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Children can now seek justice through the UN *in Serbian only
Protection of rights of children has been reinforced by the adoption of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Children, writes researcher of the CENTRE Tatjana Milic. April 2014.
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Summary of the Analysis "Targeting Weapons" - Misuse of the Firearms in Serbia
The author of this UNDP/SEESAC analysis is Svetlana Djurdjevic Lukic with associates, Marina Tadic and Tatjana Milic from the CENTAR. April 2015
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Budget line 481 in Pirot, Kraljevo and Sombor
We analysed the progress made in using budget line 481 - donation to NGOs and gave recommendations (Serb only)
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LGBT People and Security Sector Reform in the Republic of Serbia
The research showed what are the attitudes of the LGBT population from Belgrade, Novi Sad and Nis towards police and Armed Forces, and what do they think of their own security in Serbia. October 2011.
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What is the Security Policy of Serbia?
The policy of military neutrality was a former resort of decision makers to avoid giving clear answers and offering consistent ideas related to the security policy of Serbia. (the full text is available in Serbian).
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PROS & CONS of the Military Chaplaincy in the Serbian Armed Forces
This analysis of Marina Tadic CENTRE's researcher calls for further discussion on important unresolved issues regarding the place, the role, and the scope of the chaplaincy service in the SAF. March 2014
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What is the position of women in the armed forces of the Western Balkans? *in Serbian only
Centre's researcher Tatjana Milic analyzes the results published in the study " The position of women in the armed forces of the Western Balkans". March 2013
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Child Safety on the Internet in Serbia: Exposure without coordinated care
The Centre's policy brief advocates for children to be recognized as a vulnerable group in the Strategy of development of information security
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Mechanisms of Support to Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defence
Policy brief analyzes mechanisms of support and provides recommendations aiming at their improvements.
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Arms Trade and Human Rights: A New Paradigm?
Jelena Bjelica, Arms Trade and Human Rights: A New Paradigm?, Policy Brief, Public Policy Research Centre, Belgrade, July 2015
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What the Draft Law on Arms Industry and Trade Brings?
Svetlana Djurdjevic Lukic comments Draft Law on the arms industry and trade. March 2015.
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Election Monitoring: Political parties on security issues
Analysis of the representation of ten security issues within the 2016 electoral campaign in Serbia (the full text is available in Serbian only).
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Firearms and Gender-Based Violence: Missing perspective
This policy proposal deals with the attitude of the media towards the possession and use of firearms in cases of gender-based violence
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What does Strategy of Community Policing bring to Roma in Serbia?
Adoption of the Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005-2015 envisaged the role of the MoI in dealing with Roma community security issues, but MoI so far failed to develop any specific policy to deal with it, writes Jelena Radoman. January 2014
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The National Action Plan on the UNSC Resolution 1325 – three years after
Albeit Serbia was the second country in the region, after Bosnia and Herzegovina, to adopt the NAP, main objectives of the NAP have not yet been accomplished, concludes Marina Tadic CENTRE's researcher.October 2013
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