Social Capital: The Invisible Face of Resilience

National Human Development Report Serbia 2016, Social Capital: The Invisible Face of Resilience, Authors: Branka Andjelkovic, Maja Kovac

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Living and dwelling: the resilience of vulnerable groups in Serbia during the Covid-19 pandemic

Author: Tanja Jakobi

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Health Care of Migrants in Serbia: Importance of Information and Its Exchange

This paper contributes to the discussion on the role of information in policy-making in the health care system.

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Advocating for successful integration of Roma migrants

In this policy brief we advocate for more efficient ways for inclusion of Roma returnees into education and working process (Serb only). Authors: Tanja Jakobi & Dejan Markovic

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The Impact of the Socio-economic structure of Rural Population on Success of Rural Development Policy in Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia

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Media and Vulnerable Groups in Serbia: Brief analysis of the media treatment of Roma returnees and migrants

This policy brief is available only in Serbian.

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Wellbeing of families with children in Serbia, integral version

Starting from the concept of happiness, the study suggests a link between the characteristics of families in Serbia and the sense of life satisfaction of family members and the development of children. September 2014.

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Policy Brief: The Impact of the Socio-economic Structure of Rural Population on the Success of Rural Development Policy”

The Impact of the Socio-economic Structure of Rural Population on the Success of Rural Development Policy” is a research –based, policy directed regional project, between the Centre and the Association of Agricultural Economists of Macedonia

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Evaluation of Efficiency of the Local Mechanisms of Social Inclusion of Roma

The study was conducted on the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit’s initiative, with the aim to examine achievements and performances of the programmes and mechanisms for social inclusion of Roma population. January 2013.

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Summary of research findings: Efficient response to human trafficking in local communities in Serbia

Public Policy Research Centre in in partnership with the with the government Center for the Human Trafficking Victims Protection, has conducted a research on the possibilities of improving the local system to counter human trafficking. December 2014

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Resume: Evaluation of Efficiency of the Local Mechanisms of Social Inclusion of Roma

The study was conducted on the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit’s initiative, with the aim to examine achievements and performances of the programmes and mechanisms for social inclusion of Roma population. January 2013.

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Media reporting on Roma: Dry Facts, No Context *in Serbian only

A qualitative analysis of what the local print media (350 articles) write about the Roma population by Tanja Jakobi, CENTRE's media adviser. February 2015

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Gender Equality and Political Processes: Why don't women vote for women?

The change of political programmes, the introduction of quotas and the implementation of the existing ones at all party and government levels is necessary for the increased participation of women in political sphere.

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Final Report: Integrated employment and social services model

Review on developing and piloting the integrated employment and social services delivery model by Branka Andjelkovic and Pavle Golicin. February 2012.

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