Project: How does Security Sector Reform Affect Human Security in Serbia? Reassessing the impact on LGBT

Attacks on LGBT Members Still Not Prosecuted

Violence against LGBT members have not been prosecuted yet. According to LGBT activists who reported violence, the police has not invested enough efforts to find perpetrators. Therefore, the findings of our survey do not come with surprise - half of respondents across Serbia agreed that the police should introduce new measures in order to improve the security of the LGBT. It was a predominant point of view (with an exception of the age group 15-19) despite summer season and consequently less answers in total. 

The second out of four surveys which CENTRE tends to conduct within the project How does Security Sector Reform Affect Human Security in Serbia? Reassessing the impact on LGBT. 

Violence against LGBT members have not been prosecuted yet. According to LGBT activists who reported violence, the police has not invested enough efforts to find perpetrators. Therefore, the findings of our survey do not come with surprise - half of respondents across Serbia agreed that the police should introduce new measures in order to improve the security of the LGBT. It was a predominant point of view (with an exception of the age group 15-19) despite summer season and consequently less answers in total. 

The second out of four polls which CENTRE aims to conduct within the project How does Security Sector Reform Affect Human Security in Serbia? Reassessing the impact on LGBT was available online from June 10 to July 10, and targeted respondents aged 15-44 in Serbia. Respondents were able to engage in the poll through the CENTRE’s website and get additional information about the aim of the project

The primar goal of the polls is to motivate broader audience to reflect on the LGBT position in the society and the role of policy makers in addressing their security needs.

Based on collected answers, the most active respondents were those from Belgrade aged 20-24 and 25-29, followed by respondents from Vojvodina in the age group 25-29, then again Belgraders between 30-34 and respondents from Sumadija and Western Serbia aged 24-29.  

Although methods are different, these poll results complies with our previous research "LGBT population and security sector reform." A significant number of participants of in-depth interviews said that they have not believed that the police would have reacted, therefore decided not to report cases of violence. 

13.5% of the respondents partly agreed, while 54.03% completely agreed that the Ministry of Interior should take additional measures to protect the LGBT population. In other words, two-thirds of the total respondents support this statement. 

Respondents who are not sure make 9.45% of votes, whereas respondents who do not agree (partly or entirely) do 23% (12.15%, 10.8%, respectively). 

As graphs depict, the situation in regions and aged groups varies. One of the reasons could be relatively small number of answers; consequently the poll results should be taken as an illustration. 

The ongoing project represents a follow-up of the earlier CENTRE's study LGBT and Security Sector Reform in the Republic of Serbia (2011) and a comparative analysis of previous and upcoming results. CENTRE will identify progress achieved in the meantime and the dynamics between of the reforms targeting the LGBT's human security which have been implemented since 2011. The 2011 study is the first such analysis which explored the security issues within the LGBT community in Serbia concerning their relationship with the police and military. The results are available in English

The project aims at increasing public awareness of specific issues aimed at enhancing democratic governance. It will also contribute to developing and strengthening the cooperation between state institutions and civil society in addressing security sector and human security related issues at national and local levels.

Detaljne rezultate stavova ispitanika pogledajte na grafikonima.

The results of the first poll are availabe here.

If you want to take part in the third survey: Has the security of the LGBT population got improved in the last five years?", you can take part here.

Results of the polls and CENTRE's researches are available on and social networks. TW: @PublicPolicyRS | FB: PUBLICPOLICY.RS | LinkedIn: Centar za istraživanje javnih politika.

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