Project: Inclusion of Roma Women and Men in Security Sector

Press conference on the project "Inclusion of Roma men and women in the security sector: Towards a more efficient passing the basic police training." 

Today, The Ministry of Internal Affairs held a press conference on the occasion of the start of training for Roma people interested in enrolling in the basic police training as the part of the project "Inclusion of Roma men and women in the security sector: Towards a more efficient passing the basic police training." Insufficient knowledge of Roma candidates at the entrance examinations is one of the key elements of the poor representation of Roma men and women in the Serbian police forces. It is necessary to increase the currently low level their enrollment, in order to help the implementation of the Strategy for community policing, strengthen the confidence of the population in the work of the Ministry of Interior,and  security of Roma population, as well as to increase the employment rate of young women and and men of Roma nationality.

The conference was attended by Nenad Tairović, President of the Police Association "European Roma police", Aleksandar Đorđevic, Head of the Directorate for Education in the Ministry of Interior, Biljana Puškar, Head of the Centre for Basic Police Training which experts hold this workshop, and Suzana Paunović, Director of the Office for Human and Minority rights of the Republic of Serbia, which is financially assisted this project as part of efforts to improve the position of Roma in Serbia, and Svetlana Đurđevic-Lukić on behalf of the Center for Public Policy Research as a partner organization.

Center for Public Policy Research carries out this project as a partner of the Police Association "European Roma police officers", with the support of the Office for Human and Minority Rights of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior.

Workshops that should help the orientation of the potential applicants and let them better prepare for the entrance exam in the next cycle, will be held in March in Belgrade, Bor, Kraljevo, Pirot and Niš. More than 180 participants enroled, and today 32 students of both sexes participated in the first workshop.

Photo: From the press conference (from left to right): Biljana Puškar, Head of the Centre for Basic Police Training, Nenad Tairović, President of the Police Association "European Roma police", Aleksandar Đorđević, Head of the Directorate for Education in the Ministry of Interior,  Suzana Paunović, Director of the Office for Human and Minority rights of the Republic of Serbia, and Svetlana Đurđevic-Lukić on behalf of the Center for Public Policy Research as a partner organization.

For previous Public Policy Centre research on problems of the Roma people in Serbia check:

Roma women and men and security sector reform in the Republic of Serbia’
Evaluation of Efficiency of the Local Mechanisms of Social Inclusion of Roma

For the report from the press conference check the official site of the Ministry of Interior (in Serbian only), as well as Office for Human and Minority Rights of the Government of the Republic of Serbia website, and the Roma Them on The Radio Belgrade (Serbian only)




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