Project: Formal and informal networks in rural areas

RRPP News: Preliminary Results of the Project "Implementation of the Social Science Research Results in the Policy-Making Process"


The preliminary results of the project "Implementation of the Social Science Research Results in the Policy-Making Process" conducted within the National Policy Dialogue in Serbia were presented at the Round Table entitled "Ways to Involve Research and Academic Community in the Public Policy Management System in Serbia" on 17 April 2015.

The event was organized by the State Secretary for Education, Science and Technological Development in cooperation with the Republic Secretariat for Public Policies of the Government of the Republic Serbia.

On that occasion, RRPP Local Coordinator Mr Mihajlo Djukic, discussed the preliminary findings of this project:

  • More than a half of all researchers are aware of the specific requirements for research analyses that are needed by the policy makers;
  • Policy makers have never/almost never consulted more than 44% of scientific institutes in the field of social sciences in Serbia;
  • Institutes are not proactive partners either. Only one third of the scientific institutes initiated cooperation with policy makers;
  • There is a huge unused potential in the scientific community and scientists are willing to support public policy processes. Around 80% of them are motivated to help more and to develop their own capacities to be of greater support for policy makers.


The final research results of this project will be presented at the Round Table "Implementation of the Social Science Research Results in the Policy-Making Process" to be held on 21 May 2015 at Media Centre, Belgrade.