Project: Targeting weapons - misuse of weapons in Serbia

Serbia Publishes its 8th Annual Report on the Transfers of Controlled Goods

With SEESAC support, the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia produced their 8th Annual Report on Performed Activities of Export and Import of Arms, Military Equipment and Dual-Use Goods, Arms Brokering and Technical Assistance for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2013. The report provides an overview of the exports and imports of weapons, military equipment and dual-use goods.





















The report also contains an outline of relevant national legislation in the field of international transfers of controlled goods, including the new Law on Foreign Trade of Weapons and Military Equipment, and the new Law on Import and Export of Dual-use Goods, relevant bylaws, ratified international conventions and agreements and other regulations. It lays out the basis of the import-export control system in the Republic of Serbia, providing information on registration of persons for the performance of international trade in controlled goods, licensing regulations, the oversight and control system, as well as information about ongoing international cooperation.


The report also provides detailed data on companies entering into the Register of Entities Licensed to Perform International Trade in Controlled Goods during the given period, issued export and import licenses and actual imports and exports, their financial value, quantity and type of controlled goods, broken down by destinations and end-user countries, as well as data on refused licensing applications.


By producing the 8th Annual Report on the Transfers of Controlled Goods, Serbia’s continues to be committed to transparency and accountability in the trade of controlled goods/in arms trade. According to the Small Arms Survey’s Transparency Barometer, Serbia ranks as one of the most transparent countries in terms of arms transfer reporting.


 In addition, Serbia is also demonstrating its dedication to the commitments associated with the EU Council Common Position 2008/944/CFSP defining common rules governing control of exports and import of military technology and equipment.


The publication of the report was supported by UNDP/SEESAC through the generous financial assistance of the Kingdom of Norway and can be found on UNDP/SEESAC’s National and Regional Reports page along with the previous reports.


The report is available in both Serbian and English language.


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