Project: Targeting weapons - misuse of weapons in Serbia

Center presents analyses of (mis)use of the weapons in Serbia

UNDP/SEESAC commissioned the Centre for Public Policy Research to analyse data on SALW related incidents collected via the Targeting Weapons (Oruzje na meti) platform launched by SEESAC in 2012. The analysis is based on 470 entries gathered mainly through news reports. The analysis, as well as the platform, were supported by European Union funds.The results of the analyses,will be presented at the roundtable on Friday, 29 May 2015 at 10:00h, in the Media Center
The analysis “Targeting Weapons” done by the Centre’s  team, reveals the tends related to gender-based and family-based violence, and draws conclusions about the most frequent victims and perpetrators of armed violence, as well as the circumstances surrounding these incidents.The analysis will be published sby UNDP/SEESAC,
Recently adopted Law on Weapons in Serbia, the on going campaign for collection of illegal weapons as well as the tragic incidents that have claimed a number of lives over the past ten days makes the topic timely and relevant. 
Therefore it is important to start the discussion on the trends of firearms use and the problem of illicit weapons in Serbia as well as to think how to best utilize the results of the Centre’s analysis in order to assist the work of the government institutions in stifling armed violence.
Speaking at the roundtable will be the author of the analysis and Director of the Center for Public Policy Research, Svetlana Đurđević – Lukić; SEESAC Coordinator Dr. Ivan Zveržhanovski; SEESAC Project Officer Iva Savić; and representatives of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia.
The Republic of Serbia adopted a long-awaited Law on Weapons and Ammunition in February of this year, and is currently implementing a three-month long legalization of arms campaign (4March – 4 June 2015). SEESAC is supporting the Ministry of Interior in carrying out the campaign “Iskoristi priliku” (“Use the Opportunity”), the aim of which is to raise awareness and inform citizens about the importance and processes of surrendering or legalizing weapons during the legalization period.
The Centre’s President Svetlana Đurđević Lukić spoke about the results of msue of weapons in the context of family based violence in the RTS 1 talk show „DaMoždaNe“ (Yes, Maybe, No), while some of the results of the analysis were presented in RTB 1 talk show and in the daily Vecernje novosti on the front page of their Sunday issue. 
SEESAC provides support to national and regional stakeholders to strenghten their capacities to control and reduce the proliferation and misuse of small arms and light weapons, thus contributing to enhanced stability, security and development in South East Europe (SEE).
Current arms control activities implemented by SEESAC in SEE are supported by the European Union through the Council Decision 2013/730/CFSP, dated 9 December 2013, within the framework of the EU Strategy to Combat the Illicit Accumulation and Trafficking of SALW and their ammunitions.
The Republic of Serbia adopted a long-awaited Law on Weapons and Ammunition in February of this year, and is currently implementing a three-month long legalization of arms campaign (4March – 4 June 2015). SEESAC is supporting the Ministry of Interior in carrying out the campaign “Iskoristi priliku” (“Use the Opportunity”), the aim of which is to raise awareness and inform citizens about the importance and processes of surrendering or legalizing weapons during the legalization period.