Project: Mapping (Non)Discrimination Discourse in Military Education

Gender equality in defense system

Accomplishments in the area of gender equality in defense system and current trends in this area were the core topic of two days conference, hosted by Strategic Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbiaand held on 13 and 14 October in Belgrade. Eminent civil and military experts from Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Norway and Spain as well the representatives of international organizations and academic institutionswere among key speakers.

At the opening session Assoc. Prof. DrJovanka Šaranović, Director of Strategic Research Institute, Major General Prof. Dr. Mladen Vuruna, Rector of the University of Defense, Brankica Jovanović, Commissioner for Protection of Equality andIrena Vojáčková – Sollorano, UNDP Resident Representative and UN Resident Coordinator greeted the conference participants. Their opening remarks stressed out that, in spite ofevident progress in harmonization of legislation, the area of gender equality implementation as well the developing of measures needed for its implementation further must be improved.

Discussing about gender equality in defense system, speakers referred to the importance of harmonization of national legislation with international regulations and practice, especially with SC UN Resolution 1325 – Women, peace and security. In this context, they particularly highlighted the importance of the struggle against stereotype of women as a weaker gender. Media, educational system and combating hate speech can contribute a lot in breaking up of such stereotype.

Conference participants agreed that among the most important preconditions forconsistent implementing of gender equality are zero tolerance towards gender based violence, increasing women participation in decision-making centers but also the adoption of measures that will contribute to economic empowerment of women.

Coordinator of CENTER, mr IvonaLađevac, attended the conference.