
CENTRE will be part of the Government's working group

  CENTRE’s Director Svetlana Đurđević-Lukić will be part of the Government's working group for making the National Action Plan for the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325 United Nations - Women, Peace and Security for the period from 2016 to 2020.

   Although Serbia was among the first countries in the region that adopted the National action plan, its objectives have not yet been realized in practice. The researchers of the Centre were participated for defininig and monitoring of previos NAP for the period from 2010 to 2015. Positive examples in the implementation of the previous National Action Plan relate to the establishment institutions and mechanisms of gender equality in the security sector, initiation of gender-sensitive language in the Ministry of Defence and increasing media interest in this field. Women should be more included in peace negotiations and prevent impunity for war gender-based crimes.

   The UN Security Council Resolution 1325, which was unanimously adopted on 31 October 2000, highlights the consequences of bloody conflict on women and girls and underlines the importance of the role of women in peace-building in post-conflict areas. The resolution urges all UN member states to develop strategies and action plans with targets and timelines for the implementation of gender equality in peacekeeping operations and programs of recovery and reconstruction.