Project: Security issues within Serbian 2016 election campaign

CENTRE's Analysis in a Special Section on Elections of the Daily "Danas"

Daily newspaper "Danas" published the CENTRE’s analysis on the representation of security issues in the 2016 electoral campaign in its special section called "Electoral Fever."

The article refered to the main results of the second election monitoring cycle and it quoted Svetlana Djurdjevic Lukic, CENTRE’s director, and Jelena Radoman, a researcher.

It said that the major political coalitions have not taken clear positions on a range of security issues such as domestic violence, democratic control of security structures and euro-atlantic integration. The statements made by representatives of the coallitions gathered around SNS, SPS, DS, Dveri-DSS, and SRS were either reactions to events and decisions of political actors outside Serbia or those were given in commemoration of different anniversaries. 

The article cited the CENTRE's analysis - ‘’topics regarding individual and social groups’ security, further reform of security sector and its democratic control are almost entirely out of parties’ focus.’’ It also underlined that statements made by representatives of the rulling coallition appeared as a specific problem. In fact it is unclear whether they act as officials or party members. The most noticeable example is Minister of Interior Stefanovic’s statement about the creation of policing teams for prevention of election frauds which the oposiiton assssed as "unlawful and dangerous", and "open advocacy of a police state by the SNS."

Original text published in the daily is available in Serbian here.