Project: How does Security Sector Reform Affect Human Security in Serbia? Reassessing the impact on LGBT

Belgrade Stands in Solidarity Honoring Orlando Victims

Omar Mateen killed 50 people in a gay club "Pulse" in Orlando, Florida, last weekend. This shooting was described as the worst act of terrorism on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001, and the deadliest attack on a gay target in the nation’s history. Activists and members of the LGBT community in Serbia gathered today to honor the Orlando victims and expressed their solidarity in achieving equality, freedom, and secuirty. The representative of the US embassy thanked on the support and stated that we all must work together to eradicate hate and discrimination to ensure that the Orlando masacre will not repeat any where in the world. It is necessary to keep fighting for the human rights how individuals would not face criminal or terrorist threats based on their different sexual identity.