Project: How does Security Sector Reform Affect Human Security in Serbia? Reassessing the impact on LGBT

International Pride Day Marked Today

Inernational Pride Day is marked as remembrance of the 1969 Stonewall uprising when LGBT activists demonstrated against a police raid in New York. Various festivals, marches and events were organized around the world today in order to raise awarness of LGBT position, particularly of their rights violations and forms of discrimination and violence whcih they encounter on a daily basis. 

According to Da se zna, an online platform which collects reports of violence against LGBT community in Serbia, 23% of LGBTI population has been exposed to the physical violence due to their sexual orientation or gender identity, while 73% of violence took place on street and perpetrators were unknown persons. Additionally, the 2014 GSA report warns of an increase of domestic violence. On the occasion of the International Pride Day, there were official appeals to authorities to keep continuously working together in combating all the forms of violence against the LGBTI community.

The Public Policy Research Centre is carrying out the project entitled How does Security Sector Reform Affect Human Security in Serbia? Reassessing the impact on LGBT. It will organize focus groups seeking a better understanding of security perceptions withtin the LGBTI. CENTRE also is conducting an online survey concerned with the position of the LGBT in Serbian society. The first in a series of surveys addresses the following question: Are the institutions in Serbia discriminate against LGBT population? To share you opinion, please click this link.