Project: Towards efficient policies on local level - budget line 481 for NGOs

Budget Line 481: Old concerns, slight improvements

Financial distribution through the Budget Line 481 - Grants for NGOs is still non-transparent showed the results of a pilot project called "Towards a more effective budgetary policies at the local level - budget line 481, grants to non-governmental organizations". The project was conducted by the Centre for Development of Non-profit Sector (CRNPS) and the Public Policy Research Centre and took place in three municipalities - Pirot, Kraljevo and Sombor - in the period from September to November. The results were presented at the joint conference at the Human Rights House in Belgrade.

During the implementation of the project, the project team analyzed the data related to the budget line 481 expenditures in 2014, which was provided by the local governments. Three round tables were organized with representatives of local governments, civil society organizations including traditional citizens' associations (associations of persons with disabilities, cultural and artistic associations, etc.) and other interested individuals.

Most of the money from the budget line 481 goes to sports organizations, religious associations, Red Cross, political parties. Only about one-fifth or less is directly intended to the citizens' associations (NGOs). Distributions mapped in Pirot and Kraljevo coincide with the results of previous analyses that CRNPS conducted in the period from 2007 to 2010. In contrast, the results got in Sombor are incomparable.

Introduction of the competition for financial distribution through the budget line 481 has contributed to more transparent applicatin proceedures in all three municipalities, but this reauirements still only applies to NGOs and citizens' associations but not to sports clubs (with an except in Sombor), Red Cross, religious organizations, political parties and other users of this line.