Project: How does Security Sector Reform Affect Human Security in Serbia? Reassessing the impact on LGBT

Proposal of the Bill on Gender Identity Will Enhance the Position of Transgender People

Proposal of the Bill on Gender Identity (hereafterin: the Bill) was presented on Thursday, September 15, at the Media Center Belgrade. This presentation was organized by Gayten-LGBT, Belgrade Pride and Civil Rights Defenders and it was one of the events of the 2016 Pride Week

The Bill into details regulates questions prescribed by the National Strategy for the Prevention and Protection against Discrimination for the period 2014-2018 and Action Plan for its implementation. The Gayten-LGBT legal team provided insights into the process of making the law and underlined its significance. The Bill is expected to induce a number of benefits for transgender persons in Serbia.

The Bill tackles certain issues concerned with the human rights of transgender people such as right to retirement pension, property rights, right to family and marriage, and the prohibition of discrimination in workplace. While making the Bill, the team was guided by the examples of best practice around the world. The team also aimed to address discrepancies in institutional treatments across Serbia.

Alongside activists for human and LGBT rights, representatives of independent government bodies, state institutions and relevant ministries took part in the discussion.  They exposed their views on the topic of interest and presented their previous work and efforts regarding the rights of transgender people in Serbia.