
A Strategy to Help Respond to the Situation of Refugees and Migrants in Serbia in 2017 Presented


The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) presented a new strategy and appeal to help respond to the situation of refugees and migrants in Serbia in 2017 on Jan 23.

The strategy and appeal for Serbia are part of a bigger Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan for Europe (RMRP) covering Turkey, Southern Europe, Western Balkans, and other parts of Europe presented to potential donors in Geneva on 19 January. It aims at complementing and reinforcing the Governments’ efforts to ensure safe access to asylum and the protection of refugees and migrants. It also aims to support long-term solutions and orderly and dignified migration management. Strengthened partnerships and coordination will also be given priority in 2017.

The focus of the strategy is on accomodation, rights protection and financial support to municipalities that host shelters. In order to meet these goals and to provide decent living conditions to around 7,500 refugees, it is necessary to collect $ 40 million. 

The CENTRE together with the Asylum Protection Center has started conducting a research on migrants' crisis in Januray 2017. 

Source: N1 and UN Country Team in Serbia