Project: Firearms Misuse and its Impact on Gender-based Violence

Focus Group Conducted in Novi Becej

CENTRE's research team conducted a focus group aimed at exploring misuse of firearms and its impact on gender-based violence (GBV). This focus groups gathered women from different multiethnical communities in Novi Baecej. The activity was organized in cooperation with the Assiciation of Roma of Novi Becej. In addition to the focus group, an interview with representatives of local institutions also took place. 

Data collected through focus groups discussions organized in five cities and towns in Serbia as well as through interviews conducted with representatives of institutions will be utilized for the preparation of a study and internet platform. The study and platform are aimed at raising awarness among CSOs that deal with GBV, media and citizens in general. 

The research relies on the CENTRE previous engagement in the field of human secuirty and vulnerable groups' human rights. The project was created by former CENTRE's director, Svetlana Djurdjevic Lukic who recently passed away. Svetlana was among few regional experts for small weapons and light arms. She thoroughly studied a wide range of topics in the field of security and managed to set a number of topics of her interests on goverment agenda.