Project: Local Security and Role of MPs

What is the Impact of the Migrant Crisis upon the Security of Citizens of Subotica?

Jelena Sapic and Filip Stojanovic, CENTRE's members, talked with local actors in Subotica on Monday, February 13, 2017. They discussed potential impact of the ongoing so-called migrant crisis on the local security in Subotica. The meetings were organized in cooperation with the Youth Office of the City of Subotica.
Based on the data gathered through the meetings, the research team will prepare a policy brief that will be presented on a panel discussion planned for March or April 2017. The participants of the meetings, MPs who have residence in Subotica and representatives of the OSCE mission to Serbia will attend the panel discussion. 
These activities are being organized within the project "Local Security and the Role of MPs" that is a continuation of an earlier CENTRE project on the youth and democratic control of security sector implemented in 2015. The novelty of the ongoing prohect is variety of security issues the team aims to exploer - security of the youth (Novi Pazar), gender-based violence (Kraljevo), and migrant crisis (Subotica). The project is supported by the Democratization Department of the OSCE Mission to Serbia.