Project: Firearms Misuse and its Impact on Gender-based Violence

Women from Rural Areas in Sandzak Spoke about Gender-based Violence

The research team conducted a focus group with women living in rural areas in the municipality of Tutin. The focus group was organized in cooperation with the Association Impuls Tutin, as a part of the project "Addressing Firearms Misuse and the Impact on Gender-based Violence through Civil Action and Public Advocacy", which is being implemented through the MATRA programme of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Throughout the project, the CENTRE will work closely with representatives of local civil society organizations, the public institutions and the media in Serbia, in order to provide sensitization and capacity building of local actors to monitor gender-based violence (GBV) from the perspective of human security. The overall objective is to mainstream it in relevant strategic documents, public discourse and consequently influence future policy making, especially in the in the context of the EU integration, such as Ch 24, new Law Against Family Violence, Law on Weapons and Ammunitions (as of 4thMarch 2016), Strategy against small arms proliferation (expired in 2015), incoming NAP on the implementation of the UN Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.