Project: Advocating for successful integration of Roma migrants through better education/employment policies

The German government is offering rejected asylum seekers benefits in kind if they voluntarily return home.

The German government is offering rejected asylum seekers benefits in kind worth up to €1000 if they voluntarily return home.
The Federal Ministry of the Interior announced the new program called “Your Country, Your Future, Now!” which will run until February 28, on Saturday. Under it families who agree to leave will be entitled to up to €3000.
The funding complements the “Jump-Start Plus” return program, launched last February.
In an interview with the Bild am Sonntag Federal Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) promoted the program appealing directly to beneficiaries.”If you decide by the end of February for a voluntary return, you will get in addition to first aid, a housing aid for the first twelve months in your country of origin.”
Up to now, asylum seekers in Germany received €1200 if they requested a voluntary return before their trial is completed. If the application has already been rejected, they are allocated €800.
The number of asylum applications has fallen drastically compared to the previous year.