Project: Future of Work, Future is Now!

Media about the Conference "The Future of Work - The Future is Now"

What can Serbia learn from countries that have gone through the transition? What kind of professions will be sought in the near future? And how can the existing education system and economy be prepared for the new economic trends? These are some of the questions which were answered during Radio Belgrade's Talasanje show, which hosted the co-founder and programme director of the Center, Branka Andjelkovic, and Jovan Protić, the national coordinator of the International Labour Organization, as they were announcing the beginning of the Center's first Annual Conference dedicated to the future of work, "The future of work - the future is now". Listen to what they had to say on this link.

All three national news agencies, Tanjug, Beta and Fonet, published video, photographs and text about the first day of the conference opened by Minister Slavica Djukic Dejanovic, Minister without Portfolio in the Government of Serbia, Jan Lundin, Swedish Ambassador, Steliana Nedera, Deputy Coordinator of UNDP Serbia, and Yngve Engstrom, Head of Cooperation for the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia. Referring to these reports, Blic, Novi Magazin, Danas, and reported on the conference. On the same day, TV N1 hosted experts from the International Labour Organization from Geneva, Janine Berg and Chris Land Kazlauskas.

Newspapers in English Cord and Diplomacy & Commerce also reported on the conference on their websites and in the printed edition.

Branka Andjelkovic spoke about the messages of the conference in the Morning Program of the RTS, and Vladan Ivanovic talked to TV Copernicus about the digital revolution, a knowledge-based economy and the consequences that the changes bring in the world of education and work.

Nova Ekonomija has published an interview with conference guest Kaidi-Kerli Karner, Manager of the Investment Agency, E-Estonia, and Danas has published in its weekly issue a text written by Branka Andjelkovic.