Press Conference “Social Inclusion: Progress and Challenges”" /> <span style="line-height:1.6em">Press Conference “Social Inclusion: Progress and Challenges”</span>

Project: Roma in Serbia: How safe they feel and do they see improvements?

Press Conference “Social Inclusion: Progress and Challenges”

On the occasion of the completion of three-year project “Contribution to Social  Inclusion and Combat against Discrimination of Marginalised Population in  Serbia”, funded by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Praxis  held a press conference “Social Inclusion: Progress and Challenges” in the  Media Centre in Belgrade. The report on improvements in the field of exercise  of status and socio-economic rights was presented at the conference.

Praxis implemented the project in partnership with the Roma Educational  Centre from Subotica and Roma Women’s Association Osvit from Nis. The  undertaken activities were aimed at improving the position of and reducing  discrimination against marginalised population groups in Serbia through  providing equal access to rights and through advocacy directed towards  overcoming systemic obstacles to accessing the right to be recognised as a  person before the law and socio-economic rights.

It was assessed that by adopting laws or amending the existing ones, by  developing a strategic framework for improving the position and fighting  against discrimination of marginalised groups, and by undertaking various  actions and activities, an important step has been taken towards improving  their status and raising awareness of the unacceptability of further  marginalisation. Nevertheless, the adopted legal provisions are often not  implemented or they are implemented in an uneven manner, while many of  the undertaken measures can be described as short-term and ill-adapted to  specific needs of vulnerable groups.

Finally, it was concluded that there was still a need to advocate for  overcoming the systemic obstacles in exercise of rights, and to pay attention  to raising awareness of the public about the problems of vulnerable groups,  but also to work on empowerment and education of marginalized groups and  sensitization of state officials in public administration with an aim of better  understanding and prevention of discrimination.


Report "Contribution to Social Inclusion and Combat against Discrimination of  Marginalised Population in Serbia"