
Among the Poor, Women Feel Inequality More Deeply

The attention paid to income and wealth inequality spurred by the French economist Thomas Piketty’s best-selling opus, “Capital in the Twenty-First Century,” comes with a caveat from some of its fans: What about women?
The question may seem odd given that when it comes to wages, women have made far more progress than men over the past three decades. Since the 1980s, men without a college education have seen their real wages — after taking inflation into account — decline 5 to 25 percent. The lower the education level, the steeper the drop.
By contrast, for most women, real wages have been climbing. And while both male and female professionals have enjoyed larger paychecks, women’s gains have far outpaced men’s, rising more than 30 percent among the most educated.
It’s at the lowest income levels that the burden on women stands out. Not only are they more likely than men to be in a minimum-wage job, but women are also much more likely to be raising a family on their own.
“Inequality is rising among women as well as men, but at the bottom, women are struggling with some dimensions of these problems that men aren’t, which is raising and supporting these families as single heads of households,” said Francine Blau, an economist at Cornell University.
So while the number of families living on less than $2 per person per day doubled between 1996 and 2011, according to the National Poverty Center, it tripled among families headed by a lone woman.
Wages are only one part of the problem, said Arlie Russell Hochschild, a sociologist at the University of California, Berkeley, whose 1989 book, “The Second Shift,” described how fathers rarely chipped in with housework and child care even when their wives were working full-time. She notes that as men’s economic opportunities decline, so do their marriage prospects. The increase in poor single mothers means that many of the lowest-wage workers are not getting any help in the second shift.
“One thing that strikes me is how the whole discussion of the class gap and its effect on women has been dissociated from a discussion from public policy,” Ms. Hochschild said. Minimum-wage jobs rarely have the kind of child care and family leave benefits that help low-income mothers manage both shifts.
In a speech on the impact of inequality on families scheduled for Monday afternoon at the American Sociological Association’s annual convention in San Francisco, Ms. Hochschild plans to focus on how free-market policies are undermining the family.
“If the trickle-down theory were correct, the richest countries would have the highest proportion of thriving children,” Ms. Hochschild argues. But they don’t.
A 2010 Unicef report that measured the health, education and material well-being of a nation’s poorest children against its median children found that the United States ranked 23rd out of 24 nations. The only country that scored lower was Slovakia.
(Image: Arlie Russell Hochschild says free-market policies are undermining the family. Credit Mary Butkus/WUSTL Photographic Services)
Patricia Cohen