Project: Mapping (Non)Discrimination Discourse in Military Education

Is There Sexual Orientation Discrimination in the VS?

Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) NGO activist Angelina Zezelj has accused the Serbian Army (VS) where she worked as a military police officer claiming her contract hasn't been extended because of her sexual orientation. The VS denies these accusations, claiming that there is no discrimination in the Army“, Danas reports on Wednesday.

„Zezelj said that she had worked as military police officer since 2011 but that she failed a psychological test, resulting in the expiry of her contract. „When they told me my contract will not be extended, they explained that I fell at the extraordinary psychological test and dropped from first category to fourth. You know, it is practically impossible for a person to change so dramatically after just four months, which is when I took the previous regular test. Also, we did these extraordinary tests on computers, and I was unable not review the results of the testing. They were just communicated to me, which drastically reduces possibilities to file a complaint or something like that. This is one of the ways to harass gay persons, Zeselj said.

„On the other hand, the Defence Ministry states that Zezelj began her army service on February 1, 2012. „This was a six month probation work, which she didn't pass, like many other candidates, regardless of their sexual or any other orientations. The Army welcomes all those who fulfil psychological and physical criteria for tasks and duties that they need to perform. There are no other conditions, the Defence Ministry is explicit.

„They told us that no one has so far complained about sexual discrimination, either officially or through anonymous polls that we conduct on a regular basis“.

„Zezelj declined talking to the media about the case which she exposed in public, or to reply to the question of our daily on whether she will complain about the VS decision“, Danas reports.