
Transfer of V4 experience in CSDP

The Visegrad Group’s (V4) experience in Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) of the European Union is shared at the event in the Slovak Republic Embassy in Belgrade on 24 November 2014.

Introductory remarks have offered ambassadors of Slovakia – H.E. Ján Varšo, Czech Republic – H.E. Ivana Hlavsová, Poland – H.E. Aleksander Chećko, and Hungary – as well as Mr Zoltan Varga-Haszonits, Deputy Head of Hungarian Embassy and  Mr Oscar Benedict, Deputy Head of the EU Delegation and Ms Tanja Miscevic, Head of the Negotiation Team for the Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the EU.

Further food for thought have been provided in the presentations of the following experts: Ms. Ivan Vaňo, Counsellor, Political - Military Group, Slovak Republic’s Permanent Representation to the EU, H. E. Mrs. Hana Hubáčková, Director, CSDP Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic, Mr. Tomasz Moszczyński, Counsellor, Department for Security Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, and Mrs. Ágnes Béres, Hungary, Department of Security Policy – EU Common Security and Defence Policy Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This transfer of V4 experience is especially relevant in light of recent explorative and bilateral screenings for Chapter 31 and opening of that chapter in Serbia’s negotiation with the EU in recent future.

Center’s President, Svetlana Djurdjevic-Lukic, who has published several contributions in journals and edited volumes on issues related to CSDP, and who is a member of the EU Convent’s Working Group for Chapters 30 and 31, has contributed to the discussion.