Project: Formal and informal networks in rural areas

Call for Papers: RRPP Annual Conference in Ohrid, Macedonia, 28-29 May 2015

Interested young researchers and scholars in social sciences are invited to apply to participate in the RRPP Annual Conference that will take place in Ohrid, Macedonia, from 28-29 May 2015.

Main objectives of the conference are:

  • To discuss current challenges, ambivalences and prospects for the transformation process of the Western Balkan states and societies;
  • To exploit potential areas and opportunities to more effectively influence policy development and policy making, based on viable scientific research results;
  • To provide a forum for researchers dealing with the region to network, exchange and discuss their research projects and results.

Eligible Candidates

PhD students and recent PhD graduates (2011 and later) dealing with the Western Balkans, eager to present and discuss their research projects with colleagues from the region and beyond (especially current research results) that relate to our general topic "Social, Political and Economic Change in the Western Balkans".

Submitted applications shall contain a social science perspective, apply scientific theoretical concepts and focus on one of the following priority areas:

1) Governance and decentralization with focus on prerequisites for “good governance” and democratization “from below”;

2) Migration with the particular attention to return, circular migration and political or economic participation (of returnees);

3) Social disparities and welfare state centered around social and economic challenges in the post-conflict region;

More information on the thematic areas and application proceeding can be found here