Project: Vulnerable Groups And Security Sector Reform: LGBT Case Study

GSA Annual Report on the Status of Human Rights of LGBT Persons for 2014 has been presented


Presentation of Annual Report of GSA on the Status of Human Rights of LGBT Persons in Serbia for 2014 took place on Wednesday, March 25th 2015, in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. The Report of the GSA was presented by Lazar Pavlović, president of GSA and Mirjana Bogdanović, executive director of GSA. Nebojša Stefanović, Minister of Interior in the Government of the Republic of Serbia and Jadranka Joksimović, Minister without portfolio responsible for European integration in the Government of the Republic of Serbia have also spoken about this subject.

Reports from the meeting are available at the Assembly website, and on GSA website
The Summary of Annual Report on the Status of Human Rights of LGBT Persons in Serbia for 2014 can be viewed and downloaded here

Photo Gallery from the presentation of the Report can be seen at GSA Facebook page or within news about the presentation on GSA website

Earlier research of the Centar about LGBT and Security Sector Reform can be viewed here
Video of the entire Report can be seen at Gay Straight Alliance Youtube channel.