
Panel discussion “Four years since the beginning of the negotiations: Normalization of relations between Belgrade and Prishtin”

Within the Initiative for monitoring the implementation of the Brussels Agreement “Big Deal” that is realized by Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA),  BIRN Kosovo,  Internews Kosova and supported by the British embassies in Belgrade and Priština, CRTA  has organized panel discussion “Four years since the beginning of the negotiations: normalization of relations between Belgrade and Serbia” that took place in hotel Holiday Inn, on March 26th.

Dejan Pavićević, Belgrade's officer  for liaison with Priština, Valdet Sadiku, Kosovo liaison officer in Belgrade, Nenad Đurđević, Forum for Ethnic Relations, Pavle Dimitrijević, Bureau for Social Research Basic Information (BIRODI), Dukagjin Gorani, Common Voices and Valerie Hopkins, Big Deal Initiative have participated in discussion.

Participants have agreed that success of this process, as well the speed of its realization depends at the same time on Serbia and Kosovo and the EU, and that all of them share equal responsibility for its implementation. They also warned on danger of wide interpretation that actuates fantasizing incompatible with reality. As key conditions for success of this process panelists marked: transparency, descending of high politics to local level and development of relevant instruments necessary for the process implementation.