Second national conference The Future of Work: “Confronting visions - Conflicting Policies?”

The aim of the two-day conference "Future of work: Contrasting visions, conflicting policies" organised on December 4-5, was to shed light on the effects of contrasting visions of the World bank and the International Labor Organization and other international policy makers on creation of public policies related to education, labor market and social security in Serbia and to offer answers to these challenges.
In the heart of the debate of 2019 was the question of preserving the principles of decent work in the 21st century in times of growing flexibilisation of labor relations and employers’ requirements for new division of responsibilities related to employment and social rights arising from the work contracts. What effects can such different approaches of international financial institutions and organizations have on public policy making in Serbia? How the transition of multinational and domestic enterprises toward the industry 4.0., affects the structure of the local economy and labour market? What request the companies operating in the country have for policy makers in terms with their relations with unions and workers? What consequences could the digitalization and flexibilization of work may have on the existing relations between the social partners and the society and  sustainability of the existing social model?
On the second consecutive conference on the future work, we talked about the different visions of the future offered by international and local actors and how to choose the right one; the role of the state in stimulating the development of technology and the digital economy, new types of jobs and flexible forms of employment that affect the nature of how the business is conducted, the demand for skills and knowledge different from traditional ones and the changes in the income structure of individuals, families and communities triggered by these developments.
Second consecutive conference dedicated to the future work was supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), International labor organisation (ILO) and Olof Palme center. The conference was organized in partnership with the Faculty of Dramatic Arts from Belgrade.
The conference brought together top experts on the topic, representatives of international and national organizations, policy makers, academia and business, trade unions and civil society.
The conference was the closing event to mark the centenary of the International Labor Organization in Serbia.