
Public Policy Research Centre on the development and sustainability of civil society

   As an international expert related to the civil society development, Program Director of Public Policy Research Centre's Branka Anđelkovic at the conference related to the development and sustainability of civil society will moderate the first panel All on the same task – cooperation between public sector and non-governmental organization. The conference Permanent Dialogue Days 2016 is organized by Office for Cooperation with Civil Society and will be held on 9th and 10th of March 2016 in Belgrade, at the premises of the Cultural Centre Vuk Karadzic. 

 The key issues for Civil sector organization representatives are what are government perpecitves and what are NGO perspectives conidering cooperation, what means active participation of CSO.


   The conference will be opened by Jeffrrey Skarin, Deputy Head of Office of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and Dražen Maravić from Ministry od Public Administration and Local Self-governement. Among panelists are Milena Banović from Office for Cooperation with Civil Society, Ninoslav Kekić, representative of Republic Secretary of Public Policy.


The conference is the final event of the "enabling environment for the development of civil society", which is supported by the Office of the US Agency for International Development (USAID).