Identifying technological changes and skills needs in the Western Balkan agri-food sector

Center  along with PPMI taks part in the ETF’s Skills for Enterprise Development activity in the Western Balkan countries focuses on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) active in the agriculture and food sector. It addresses the skills needs of niche areas or sub-sectors with growth potential. The activity scope is to provide tailored support in linking vocational education and training (VET) and SMEs for innovation, productivity-enhancing skills and quality of work in the agri-food sector.

Running from 2022 to 2025, the activity will contribute to:

  • identifying opportunities to enhance regional cooperation among Western Balkan countries as well as cooperation with EU member states in the agri-food sector;
  • strengthening skills development for innovation, competitiveness and convergence of the sector with the agri-food developments in the European Union.
  • The research includes: Human capital review: in-depth skills assessment addressing both skills demand and supply. The assessment will focus particularly on current and emerging skill trends, technological developments as well as future skills needs in the agri-food sector. Partnership review: a review of the cooperation and working arrangements in the business ecosystem, in particular in terms of training, advisory services and innovation and Technology review: a review of existing and emerging technologies in the Western Balkans and the EU, leveraging on digital and green transitions, and how they impact skills needs and education and training provision in the agri-food sector.