DIGI-SYNC Serbia: Let's accelerate the harmonization of regulations with EU standards in the governance of digital platforms

The project "DIGI-SYNC Serbia: Let's accelerate the harmonization of regulations with EU standards in the governance of digital platforms" aims to strengthen the role of civil society organizations in supporting Serbia's accession process to the European Union in the field of competition with a focus on regulating food delivery digital platforms.

Through this project, the Public Policy Research Center seeks to initiate a discussion on this issue and propose practical measures to resolve legal gaps in this area, in accordance with Serbia's obligations under the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) and the European integration process itself. Adequate regulation of digital platforms would contribute to more transparent market conditions for the potential entry of new players into this fast-growing sector and contribute to the creation of more favorable conditions for the creation of a greater number of high-quality jobs in this sector.

The objectives of the project include 1) increasing the influence of CSOs in finding solutions and advocating for the regulation of digital platforms in accordance with European legislation, 2) Enhancing dialogue among representatives of state administration, non-governmental organizations, experts, businesses, trade unions, and professional associations regarding improving competition in the food delivery digital platform market in the context of Serbia's accession to the European Union, 3) Informing the public about the importance of regulating the legal status of food delivery digital platforms as market actors and creators of new forms of work in line with European regulations.


The work of the Public Policy Research Centre is supported by Sweden within the program of the Belgrade Open School "Civil Society for Advancing Serbia's Accession to the European Union - Europe ASAP".