Svetlana Đurđević-Lukić

President of the Governing Board and Director until September 2016.


Ms. Svetlana Djurdjevic – Lukic was a co-founder of the CENTRE and manager of its human security programme, i.e. all projects related to security policies until her tragic death in September 2016.

She was a member of the government's working group on preparing National Action Plan for the implementation UN SC Resolution 1325 - Women, peace and security in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2016-2020. She was also a member of the Council of the Center for Foreign Policy and member of the Forum for International Relations with the European Movement in Serbia. She published two monographs and a number of articles in academic journals as well as in collections of scientific papers. She edited The Media and Security Sector Reform in the Western Balkans (DCAF, 2010).  

She was affiliated with the Justice and Security Research Programme at London School of Economics and with the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia, USA. She worked as an advisor of the South East and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC/UNDP) and as an analysist at the Organisation for European Security and Cooperation (OSCE) Mission in Serbia. She was a consultant with ODIHR, DCAF, and UNDP.  Ms.Djurdjevic-Lukic was a recipient of the Asia Foundation’s grant for filed research in Timor-Leste; she was engaged as an Expert Consultant with Citizens’ Network for Peace, Reconciliation and Human Security (www.cn4hs), a regional project supported by the European Commission. She was also engaged in several projects funded by Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Defense, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, implemented by IIPE, the Vinca Institute, and Strategic Research Institute.

Ms. Djurdjevic-Lukic was appointed as Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Medjunarodna politika and the Review of international Affairs, Belgrade, as well as Editorial Board member of the Western Balkans Security Observatory (currently the Journal of Regional Studies).

During the 1990s, she was a journalist with newsmagazine NIN in the 1990s, contributor to a Portuguese weekly Expresso and an associate of Transitions Online, IWPR, Maclean’s, BBC World Service, B92 etc.

She recieved her M.A. degree in Politics, Security and Integration from the University College London. She was a Visiting Scholar at Columbia University in New York (Harriman Institute/SIPA, 2005-2007) and was awarded scholarships for Oxford (Chevening Scholar with St. Antony’s College,1999, and  Reuters Foundation Fellow, 2000).