Vladimir Bilandzic

dr Vladimir Bilandzic – ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER

Vladimir Bilandzic is recognized international and national expert in international security, arms control, security building measures and Southeast European politics.

Until 1989 dr Bilandzic was a researcher in the Institute of International Politics and Economics in Belgrade published on the matters related to international security, arms control and Southeast European politics.

In the period between 1986 and 1991 he served as a member of the delegation of former Yugoslavia at the CSCE conferences in Vienna while prior to this engagement he participated in the CSCE conferences and meetings in Geneva, Belgrade, Madrid, Stockholm and Paris.

From 1996 until 2001 he lectured on Balkan security and Southeast-European politics at the Interdisciplinary M.A Program on Southeast European Studies at Central European University, Budapest.

Since 2001 he is Special Advisor for Confidence and Security Building Measures in the OSCE Mission to Serbia in Belgrade. His main areas of work include issues related to democratic oversight of armed forces, defence reforms, implementation of the OSCE commitments in politico-military aspects of security, control of small arms and light weapons, etc. 

Dr Bilandzic received his PhD in international relations from the Law Faculty, University of Belgrade in 1984 and MA in political science from McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada in 1972. He graduated from the Law Faculty, University of Belgrade in 1969. During 1984/85 dr Bilandzic was Visiting Fellow at the East-West Institute in New York. He participated in numerous international conferences and seminars on security related matters and published extensively on international security, CSCE/OSCE, arms control and Southeast European politics.