Vulnerable Groups And Security Sector Reform: LGBT Case Study

The project was focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual (LGBT) population’s perceptions about their safety and the relationship with security structures - police and the Army. Research was conducted via focus groups’ discussions with LGBT community in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Nis, in cooperation with the NGO dealing with LGBT rights. At the same time, interviews were conducted with the representatives with MoI and MoD representatives.

The project’s general objective was to contribute to cooperation between the state and civil society actors in addressing a second-generation Security Sector Reform issue: improving the position of LGBT individuals and groups whose security concerns should be integrated in everyday routine of security structures.

Research findings have been presented in the publication 'LGBT and Security Sector Reform in the Republic of Serbia'.

As improved communication between LGBT and ”security community” was among the goals of the project, a Round Table discussion was organized at the OSCE Mission in Serbia.

The results of the research are available in both Serbian and English.

Press conference and presentation of the study was held on December 20th 2011 in the Media Center, Belgrade, and on March 15 2012 in Nis.