Assessment of Results of the Social Innovation Fund

This evaluation – done jointly by the Foundation for the Advancement of Economics (FREN) and CENTER - was an attempt to conduct systematic assessment of results of the activities undertaken by Social Innovation Fund (SIF). The objective was to identify overall achievements of SIF, lessons learned and potential future challenges related to community care development in Serbia. The final review of SIF interventions has been envisaged by the UNDP/EU project document ‘Strengthening the role of civil society in shaping poverty-related policies and practices’, supported through 2006 CARDS programme.


The evaluation report (a) portrayed state of affairs of the social protection sector in Serbia and provided relevant background information about SIF, also giving best international experiences of social funds with the reference to SIF; (b) explored SIF results and achievements and, consequently, presented findings of the assessment; and (c) discussed next steps and provided recommendations by looking at the new trends regarding social funds and community-based care models.